论文下载 东南大学学报,Journal of Southeast University,32(5), 2002,706~709 摘要:本文利用非线性有限元方法,对预应力钢-混凝土组合单向楼板和双向楼板进行了空间受力全过程分析,并通过改变预应力筋配置进行了参数讨论。分析结果说明,相对于钢-混凝土组合单向楼板,组合双向楼板的承载力可以提高133%,刚度可以提高66%。而施加预应力后,承载力还可以继续提高。钢-混凝土组合双向楼板是一种非常有前途的结构形式。 关键词:组合结构,双向楼板,预应力,非线性有限元 Abstract: Prestressed composite steel-concrete beams have such advantages as large stiffness, high strength and good ductility. And the stiffness and strength of slab can be improved much more if letting the composite beams cross each other to buildup tow-way slab. Nonlinear finite element analysis for the prestressed composite steel-concrete slabs is presented in this paper. The steel beams are placed under the concrete in one-way or two-way respectively to compare the difference. The influence of prestressed cables on the steel beams is discussed, too. The numerical results show that the strength of two-way composite slab can be improved about 133%, while the stiffness can be improved about 66%, which are compared with the one-way slabs. And the strength can be improved more if the prestressed cables are installed. It shows that the two-way composite slab is a new structure with good future. Keywords: Composite structure, two-way slab, prestress, nonlinear finite element 用有限元程序ANSYS对预应力钢-混凝土组合双向楼板的空间受力性能进行了分析