防爆门的动力仿真研究 论文下载 抗爆门在爆炸荷载作用下的有限元动力数值模拟,
防护工程,Protective Engineering,25(1), 2003,14~17 摘要:本文利用动力有限元分析软件LS-DYNA,分析了某系列抗爆门在爆炸荷载作用下的动力反应。通过适当选取材料的本构关系,可以真实模拟材料的弹塑性变形情况。同时,充分利用LS-DYNA提供的强大的接触分析功能,真实模拟了抗爆门和门框,门轴之间的接触关系。分析结果再现了抗爆门在爆炸荷载作用下变形和破坏的过程,并清晰显示出不同时刻抗爆门的薄弱环节。整个分析过程充分发挥数值模拟的优势,通过修改爆炸荷载的压力时程曲线,对各种不同工况下抗爆门的技术性能进行评估。 关键词:抗爆门,动力有限元,接触分析 Abstract: Simulation for blast-resistant doors under explosion load is processed in this paper with the dynamic finite element software of LS-DYNA. With proper material constitution relationship, the numerical results show the elastic-plastic deformation of the doors. With the special contact ability of LS-DYNA, the numerical simulations show the contact relationship between the door and the frame, the door blot and bearing, respectively. The damage process of the doors is obtained from the numerical results and the week points of the door in different time points are shown clearly. By changing the load-time curve of the explosion, the safety of the blast-resistant doors is discussed in detail. Keywords: Blast-resistant door, dynamic finite element, contact analysis. 防爆门破坏的全过程分析 使用动力有限元程序Dyna对抗爆门的破坏过程进行了仿真分析