本研究通过高性能计算机仿真模拟,以更好了解桥梁和其他结构在地震等灾害下的受力特性,进而为提出合理的工程设计方法和应急救灾对策提供参考 论文下载
disaster simulation for an urban area, with GIS, CAD, FEA and VR integration,
Abstract: For a disaster whose scale
includes an urban area, it is difficult to study it with physical experiments.
Thus, numerical simulation is a very efficient tool for such problem.
This paper aims at developing an integrated urban earthquake simulation
system (UESS) that uses GIS as the model source, CAD as the model generating
tools, FEA as damage prediction and VR as the post-process platform.
An automatic procedure is developed to buildup the 3D structural model
of buildings in an urban area, as well as to simulate their earthquake
performances, from the digital map of GIS. And the simulation results
are presented in an integrated interface with a GIS view-port for position
finding, a CAD view-port for 3D structural damage identification and
a VR view-port for 3D dynamic structural vibration display. An urban
example with more than 7000 buildings is select to demonstrate the feasibility
of proposed system. 桥梁在灾害作用下的高性能仿真分析 摘要: 桥梁是交通生命线的枢纽工程。我国是一个灾害多发国家,且目前处于经济高速发展阶段,各种自然和人为灾害对桥梁工程造成严重威胁。由于灾害的区域性、突发性和毁灭性等特点,所以计算机仿真