(数据来源:Google Analytics)
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建筑结构学报, 2008, 29(4): 1-9. |
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叶列平, 曲哲, 马千里, 林旭川, 陆新征, 潘鹏, 从汶川地震框架结构震害谈"强柱弱梁"屈服机制的实现,建筑结构, 2008, 38(11): 52-59. |
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叶列平, 曲哲, 陆新征, 冯鹏, 建筑结构的抗倒塌能力——汶川地震建筑震害的教训,
建筑结构学报, 2008, 29(4): 42-50. |
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马千里, 叶列平, 陆新征, 马玉虎, 现浇楼板对框架结构柱梁强度比的影响研究,汶川地震建筑震害调查与灾后重建分析报告, 北京中国建筑工业出版社,
2008.6, 北京, 263-271. |
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陆新征, 江见鲸.利用ANSYS
Solid65单元分析复杂应力条件下的混凝土结构. 建筑结构.
2003. 33(6). 22-24. |
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Lu XZ, Jiang JJ, Simulation for the collapse
of WTC after aeroplane impact, T. S. Lok (Ed.), Proc.
International Conference on Protection of Structures Against Hazard,
Singapore, 2002 57-60. |
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叶列平, 陆新征, 马千里, 汪训流, 缪志伟, 混凝土结构抗震非线性分析模型、方法及算例,
工程力学, 2006, 23(sup. II): 131-140. |
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Lu XZ, Lin XC, Ma Yh, Li Y, Ye LP, Numerical simulation
for the progressive collapse of concrete building due to earthquake, Proc.
the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008,
Beijing, China, CDROM. |
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林旭川, 陆新征, 叶列平, 砌体结构的地震倒塌模拟与分析,汶川地震建筑震害调查与灾后重建分析报告, 北京中国建筑工业出版社,
2008.6, 北京, 285-292. |
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陆新征, 李 易, 叶列平, 马一飞, 梁益, 钢筋混凝土框架结构抗连续倒塌设计方法的研究,
工程力学, 2008, 25(Sup.2): 150-157. |
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缪志伟, 马千里, 叶列平, 陆新征, Pushover方法的准确性和适用性讨论,
工程抗震与加固改造, 2008, 30(1), 55-59. |
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叶列平, 陆新征, 冯鹏, Asad Ullah Qazi, 汪训流, 林旭川, 高强高性能工程结构材料与现代工程结构及其设计理论的发展, 第一届结构工程新进展国际论坛文集,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2006,208-250. |
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陆新征, 林旭川, 叶列平, 多尺度有限元建模方法及其应用, 华中科技大学学报(城市科学版), 2008, 25(4): 76-80. |
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Lu XZ, Jiang JJ, Simulation for the
collapse of WTC after aeroplane impact, T. S. Lok (Ed.), Proc.
International Conference on Protection of Structures Against Hazard,
Singapore, 2002 57-60. |
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缪志伟, 叶列平, 陆新征, 框架—剪力墙结构的静力弹塑性分析研究,
工程抗震与加固改造, 2008, 30(6): 41-48. |
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陆新征, 江见鲸. 世界贸易中心飞机撞击后倒塌过程的仿真分析.
土木工程学报. 2002. 34(6). 8-10. |
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Miao ZW, Lu XZ, Jiang JJ, Ye LP, Nonlinear FE
model for RC shear walls based on multi-layer shell element and microplane
constitutive model, Proc. Computational Methods in Engineering And
Science (EPMESC X), Tsinghua
University Press & Springer-Verlag, Aug. 2006, Sanya, Hainan,China, 2006,
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Lu XZ, Li Y, Ye LP, Ma YF, Liang Y, Study on the
design methods to resist progressive collapse for building structures, Proc. 10th Int. Symp. on Structural Engineering
for Young Experts, Oct.
2008, Changsha:478-483. |
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张炎圣, 马千里, 陆新征, 叶列平, 填充墙震害数值模拟与对策讨论,汶川地震建筑震害调查与灾后重建分析报告, 北京中国建筑工业出版社,
2008.6, 北京, 293-300. |
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Xu F, Chen XP, Ren AZ, Lu XZ, Earthquake
disaster simulation for an urban area, with GIS, CAD, FEA and VR integration, Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil
and Building Engineering, Oct.
2008, Beijing, CDROM. |
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林旭川, 陆新征, 缪志伟, 叶列平, 郁银泉, 申林, 基于分层壳单元的RC核心筒结构有限元分析和工程应用,
土木工程学报, 2009, 42(3): 51-56. |
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缪志伟, 陆新征, 叶列平, 出屋面结构震害分析与设计建议,汶川地震建筑震害调查与灾后重建分析报告, 北京中国建筑工业出版社,
2008.6, 北京, 308-314. |
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Jiang JJ, Lu XZ., Guo JJ, Study for real-time
monitoring of large-span bridge using GPS, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Safety
Science and Technology (2002 ISSST) Science Press, Tai'an, China, 2002 308-312 |
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Lu XZ., Teng JG., Ye LP., Jiang JJ. Bond-slip models for FRP sheets/plates externally bonded
to concrete. Engineering Structures. 2005. 27(6) .
920-937. |
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叶列平, 程光煜, 陆新征, 冯鹏, 论结构抗震的鲁棒性,
建筑结构, 2008, 38(6): 11-15. |
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Lu XZ, Li Y, Ye LP, Liang Y, Application of
fiber model for progressive collapse analysis of reinforced concrete frames,
Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering,
Oct. 2008, Beijing, CDROM. |
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汪训流, 陆新征, 叶列平, 往复荷载下钢筋混凝土柱受力性能的数值模拟, 工程力学, 2007, 24(12): 76-81. |
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陆新征, 缪志伟, 江见鲸, 叶列平. 静力和动力荷载作用下混凝土高层结构的倒塌模拟, 山西地震, 126(2), 2006, 7-11 |
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陆新征, 张炎圣, 宁静, 江见鲸, 任爱珠, 超高车辆与立交桥梁碰撞的高精度非线性有限元仿真,
石家庄铁道学院学报, 20(1), 2007, 29-34. |